Instytut Stosunków Międzynarodowych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego / ISM UW

Komentarze ekspertów

The key to the EU future. A moderate advice for the new authorities of the European Union

dunin.wasowicz.maria.ism.uw.01.310x400Europe has been adrift since the outbreak of the crisis. It goes from one project to another in pursuit of more benevolence for the Euro Area states, setting aside the good of the EMU as a whole. Neither reforms which were implemented within the monetary and economic field in last four years have been audacious enough to fully correct Euro Area’s problems, nor did these reforms accomplish the task of deepening EU integration. Such narrow attitude towards reforms in the EU is dubious and its results are good for nothing. Europeans fell bewildered and have ceased to value the idea of integration. It is up to the EU to offer them a new hope; however it will be able to do this only under a few circumstances.